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Recent Publications

Solomon, D. K., Genereux, D. P., Plummer, L. N., and Busenbeg, E., Testing Mixing Models of Old and Young Groundwater in a Tropical Lowland Rainforest with Environmental Tracers, submitted to Water Resources Research, April 2009.

Genereux, D. P., Webb, M., and D. K. Solomon, The chemical and isotopic signature of old groundwater and magmatic solutes in a Costa Rican rainforest: Evidence from carbon, helium, and chlorine, submitted to Water Resources Research, in press.

Gardner, P., Susong, D., Solomon, D. K., and Heasler, H., Snowmelt hydrograph interpretation: revealing basin scale hydrologic characteristics of the Yellowstone Volcanic Plateau, submitted to JGR, Oct., 2008.

Gardner, P., Solomon, D. K., Advanced passive diffusion samplers for the collection and determination of aqueous dissolved gas concentrations, submitted to Water Resources Research, in press.

Heilweil, V., Solomon, K., Gingerich, S., Verstraeten, I., Oxygen, hydrogen, and helium isotopes for investigating groundwater systems of the Cape Verde Islands, West Africa, Hydrogeology Journal, in press, Manuscript Number: HJ-2008-0878.R1, 2008.

T. Grant Hurst and D. Kip Solomon, Summary of work completed, data results, interpretations and recommendations For the July 2007 Sampling Event At the Denison Mines, USA, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah, Report prepared for the Utah Division of Radiation Control, /IUC/uofu_gwifstudy/finalreport.pdf, 2008.

Solomon D. K., Rank D. , Aggarwal P. , Suckow A. , Stolp B, Gröning M. , Vitvar T. Tritium/Helium-3 Dating of Baseflow Southern Vienna Basin, Proceedings of the Inernational Symposium on Advances in Isotope Hydrology and it Role in Sustainable Water Resources Management (HIS-2007.)

International Atomic Energy Agency, 2006, Use of Chlorofluorocarbons in Hydrology A Guidebook, ISBN 92-0-1000805-8, IAEA in Austria, 277 pg.

Cook, P. G., L. N. Plummer, D. K. Solomon, E. Busenberg, and L. F. Han, Effects and Processes that can Modify Apparent CFC age, Chapter 4.

Solomon, D. K, P. G. Cook, and L. N. Plummer, Models of Groundwater Ages and Residence Times, Chapter 6.

Solomon, D. K, L. N. Plummer, E. Busenberg, P. G. Cook, Practical Applications of CFCs in Hydrological Investigations, Chapter 7.

Han, L. F., M. Gröning, L. N. Plummer, D. K. Solomon, Comparision of the CFC Technique with other Techniques (3H, 3H/3He, 85Kr), Chapter 11.

Busenberg, E., L. N. Plummer, P. G. Cook, D. K. Solomon, L. F. Han, M. Gröning, H. Oster, Sampling and Analytical Methods, Chapter 12.

Solomon, D. K., E. Cole, R. Arenas, J. F. Leising, 2006, Collection and Analysis of Dissolved Gases in Groundwater in Northwest Las Vegas Valley Phase II: Results and Interpretations, Report to the Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Koh, D-C, L. N. Plummer, D. K. Solomon, E Busenberg, Y.-J. Kim, and H.-W. Chang, 2006, Application of environmental tracers to mixing, evolution, and nitrate contamination of ground water in Jeju Island, Korea, J. Hydrology, 327, 258-275.

Gentry, R. , McKay, L., Thonnard N., Anderson, J., Larsen, D., Carmichael, J. K., and Solomon, K., 2006, Novel Techniques for Investigating Recharge to the Memphis Aquifer, AWWA Research Foundation, #91137, 97 pages.

Heilweil, V. M., D. K. Solomon, and P. M. Gardner, 2006, Borehole Environmental Tracers for Evaluating Net Infiltration and Recharge through Desert Bedrock, Vadose Zone Journal, 5:98-120, doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0002.

Manning, A. H., and Solomon D. K., 2005, An Integrated Environmental Tracer Approach to Characterizing Groundwater Circulation in a Mountain Block, Water Res. Res., Vol. 41, W12412, doi:10.1029/2005WR004178.

Manning, A. H., Solomon, D. K., and Thiros, S, 2005, On the Utility of 3H/3He Age Data in Assessment of Well Susceptibility, Ground Water, Vol. 43, no. 3, 353-367.

Solomon, D. K., Cole, E., and Leising, J. F., 2005, Collection and Analysis of Dissolved Gases in Groundwater in Northwest Las Vegas Valley: Preliminary Results and Interpretations, Report to the Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Pataki, D. E., Bush, S. E., Gardner, P., Solomon, D. K., Ehleringer, J. R., 2005, Ecohydrology in a Colorado River Riperaian Forest: Implications for the Decline of Populus Fremontii, Ecological Applications, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1009-1018.

Van der Hoven, S. J., Solomon, D. K., and Moline, G. R., 2005, Natural spatial and temporal variations in groundwater chemistry in fractured, sedimentary rocks: scale and implications for solute transport, Applied Geochemistry, 20, 861-873.

Hendry, M. J., Kotzer, T. K., and Solomon, D., K., 2005, Sources of radiogenic helium in clay till aquitards and it use to evaluate the timing of geologic events, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta.,Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 475-483.

Manning, A. H., and D. K. Solomon, 2004, Constraining Mountain-Block Recharge to the Eastern Salt Lake Valley, Utah With Dissolved Noble Gas and Tritium Data, in Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States Water Science and Application 9, American Geophysical Union, 10.1029/009WSA04.

Heilweil, V. M., and D. K. Solomon, 2004, Millimieter- to Kilometer-Scale Variations in Vadose-Zone Bedrock Solutes: Implications for Estimating Recharge in Arid Settings, in Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States Water Science and Application 9, American Geophysical Union, pg. 49-67, 10.1029/009WSA04.

Heilweil V., D. K. Solomon, K. S. Perkings, and K. M. Ellett, 2004, Gas-Partitioning Tracer Test to Quantify Trapped Gas During Recharge, Ground Water, Vol. 42, No. 4, pg 589-600.

Gardner, P. and D. K. Solomon, 2003, Investigation of the Hydrologic Connection between the Moab Mill Tailings and the Matheson Wetland Preserve, Technical Report prepared for State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality.

Sheldon, A. L., D. K. Solomon, R. J. Poreda, and A. Hunt, 2003, Radiogenic Helium in Shallow Groundwater within a Clay Till, Water Resources Research, vol.39, no.12.

Van der Hoven, S. J., D. K. Solomon, and G. R. Moline, 2003, Modeling unsaturated flow and transport in the saprolite of fractured sedimentary rocks; Effects of periodic wetting and drying, Water Resour. Res., 39 (7), 1186, doi:10.1029/2002WR001926.

Larsen, D., R. W. Gentry, and D. K. Solomon, 2003, The Geochemistry and Mixing of Leakage in a Semi-Confined Aquifer at a Municipal Well Field, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, Applied Geochemistry, 18, 1043-1063.

Manning, A. H., and D. K. Solomon, 2003, Using noble gases to investigate mountain-front recharge, J. Hydrology 275, 194-207.

Manning, A. H., and Solomon, D.K., 2003, Applications of a total dissolved gas pressure probe in ground water studies Ground Water, Vol. 41, no. 4, 440-448.

Larsen, D., R. W. Gentry, Ivey, S., and D. K. Solomon, 2002, Groundwater Leakage Through a Confining Unit Beneath a Municipal Well Field, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, GeoProc2002, Proceedings, Geochemical Processes in Soil and Groundwater Measurement – Modelling – Upscaling, eds. H. D Schulz and A. Hadeler, Wiley VCH.

Heilweil, V. M., Watt, D. E., Goddard, K. E., and Solomon, D. K., 2002, The Navajo Aquifer System of Southwestern Utah, Field Trip Guide, 54th Annual Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Geological Society of America.

Solomon, D. K., Bowman J. R., and Snelgrove, S., 2002, A Conceptual Model of Flow and Solute Transport in the Eastside Leach System, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, KUC Technical Report.

Van der Hoven, S. J, Solomon, D. K., and Moline, G. R., 2002, Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Flow Along Preferential Pathways; Implications for the use of Mass Balance Calculations for Isotope Storm Hydrograph Separation, Journal of Hydrology, 268 (1-4), 214-233.

Metheny, M. A., Bair, E. S., and Solomon, D. K., 2001, Applying Variable Recharge to a 19-Year Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Woburn, Massachusetts and Comparing Model Results to 3H/3He Ages, Proceedings, Modflow 2001, International Ground-Water Modeling Center, Golden, Colorado.

Solomon, D. K., Bowman, J. R., Snelgrove, S., Lucy, J, and Borden, R., 2001, Evaluation of geochemical and isotopic Techniques for Assessing the Performance of the Eastside Collection System, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, KUC Technical Report.

National Research Council, 2001, Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone, (D.K. Solomon was a committee member and wrote a significant portion of this book.), National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Parry, W. T., C. B. Forster, D. K. Solomon, and L. P. James, 2000, Ownership of Mine-Tunnel Discharge, Ground Water, Vol. 38 (4), 487-496.

Solomon, D. K. and P. G. Cook, 2000, 3H and 3He, in Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology, Cook and Herczeg, eds., Kluwer Academic Press, 397-424.

Solomon, D. K., 2000, 4He in Groundwater, in Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology, Cook and Herczeg, eds., Kluwer Academic Press, 425-439.

Nativ, R., G. Günay, H. Hötzl, B. Reichert, D. K. Solomon, and L. Tezcan, 1999, Separation of groundwater-flow components in a karstified aquifer using environmental tracers, Applied Geochemistry, 14, 1001-1014.

Solomon, D. K., P. G. Cook, and W. E. Sanford, 1998, Dissolved gases in subsurface hydrology, in Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology, Kendall and McDonnell eds., Elsevier, The Netherlands, 839 pages.

Portniaguine, O., and D. K. Solomon. 1998. Parameter estimation using groundwater age and head data, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Water Resour. Res. 34 (4), 637-645.

Sanford, W. E. and D. K. Solomon. 1997. Site characterization and containment assessment with dissolved gases, J. of Env. Eng.,124, 6, 572-574. Cook, P. G., and D. K. Solomon. 1997. Recent advances in dating young groundwater: chlorofluorocarbons, 3H/3He, and 85Kr, J. of Hydrology,191, 245- 265.

Solomon, D. K., A. Hunt, and R. J. Poreda. 1996. Sources of radiogenic helium-4 in shallow aquifers: Implications for dating young groundwater, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 32, No. 6, pp 1805-1813.

Sanford, W. E., R. G. Shropshire, and D. K. Solomon. 1996. Dissolved gas tracers in groundwater: Simplified injection, sampling, and analysis, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 32, No. 6, pp 1635-1642.

P. G. Cook, D. K. Solomon, W. E. Sanford, E. Busenberg, L. N. Plummer, and R.J. Poreda. 1996. Inferring shallow groundwater flow in saprolite and fractured rock using environmental tracers, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 32, No. 6, pp 1501- 1509.

Cooper, L. W., I. L. Larsen, C. Solis, J. M. Grebmeier, C. R. Olsen, D. K. Solomon, and R. B. Cook. 1996. Isotopic tracers for investigating hydrological processes, In: J. F. Reynolds and J. D. Tenhunen (Eds.), Landscape Function and Disturbance in Arctic Tundra, Ecological Studies, Vol. 120, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 165-182.

Solomon, D. K., R. J. Poreda, P. G. Cook, and A. Hunt. 1995. Site characterization using 3H/3He ground water ages, Cape Cod, MA., Ground Water, 33 (6), pp 988-996.

Sanford, W. E. and D. K. Solomon, 1995. Noble gas solute tracer experiment in a fractured, weathered shale near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Proceedings, Solutions '95, International Association of Hydrogeologists, International Congress XXVI, June 4-10, 1995, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 6 pp.

Cook, P. G., D. K. Solomon, L. N. Plummer, E. Busenberg, and S. L. Schiff. 1995. Chlorofluorocarbons as tracers of groundwater transport processes in a shallow, silty sand aquifer. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 31, No. 3, pp 425-434.

Cook, P. G., and D. K. Solomon. 1995. Transport of atmospheric trace gases to the water table: Implications for groundwater dating with chlorofluorocarbons and krypton 85. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 31, No. 2, pp 263-270.

Solomon, D. K., P. G. Cook, R. Shropshire, and W. E. Sanford. 1994. Site characterization using tracers: some examples, Spectrum '94, Vol. 1, pp. 219-224, American Nuclear Society.

Clausen, J. L., and D. K. Solomon. 1994. Characterization of groundwater plumes and DNAPL source zones using a driven discrete-depth sampling system, NGWA Outdoor Action Conference Proceedings.

Solomon, D. K., S. L. Schiff, R. J. Poreda, and W. B. Clarke. 1993. A validation of the 3H/3He method for determining groundwater recharge. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 29, No. 9, pp 2951-2962.

Hicks, D. S., D. K. Solomon, and N. D. Farrow. 1992. Investigation of groundwater flow zones and contaminant transport in Solid Waste Storage Area 5 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge Tennessee. ORNL/ER-154, 25 pp.

Solomon, D. K., G. K. Moore, L. E. Toran, R. B. Dreier, and W. M. McMaster. 1992. A hydrologic framework for the Oak Ridge Reservation,ORNL/TM- 12053, 104 pp.

Solomon, D. K., R. J. Poreda, S. L. Schiff, and J. A. Cherry. 1992. Tritium and helium-3 as groundwater age tracers in the Borden aquifer. Water Resour. Res. ,Vol. 28, No. 3, pp 741-755.

Smethie, W. M, D. K. Solomon, S. L. Schiff, and G. G. Mathieu. 1992. Tracing groundwater flow in the Borden aquifer using krypton-85. J. Hydrol., 130, pp 279-297.

Solomon, D. K. and E. A. Sudicky. 1991. Tritium and helium-3 isotope ratios for direct estimation of spatial variations in groundwater recharge. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 27, No. 9, pp 2309-2319.

Cerling, T. E., D. K. Solomon, J. Quade, and J. R. Bowman. 1991. On the isotopic composition of carbon in soil carbon dioxide. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 55, pp 3403-3405.

Cooper, L. W., C. R. Olsen, D. K Solomon, I. L. Larsen, R. B. Cook, J. M. Grebmeier. 1991. Stable isotopes of oxygen and natural and fallout radionuclides used for tracing runoff during snowmelt in an arctic watershed, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 27, No. 9, pp 2171-2179.

Solomon, D. K., J. D. Marsh, I. L. Larsen, D. S. Wickliff, and R. B. Clapp. 1991. The transport of contaminants during storms in the White Oak Creek and Melton Branch Watershed. ORNL/TM-11360, 127 pp.

Wickliff, D. S., D. K. Solomon, and N. D. Farrow. 1991. Preliminary investigation of processes that affect source term identification. ORNL/ER-59, 31 pp.

Solomon, D. K., D. S. Wickliff, O. M. Sealand, and C. W. Francis. 1989. Groundwater monitoring in 1988 at three Oak Ridge National Laboratory Inactive Waste Impoundments. ORNL/TM-11022, 75 pp.

Poreda, R. J., T. E. Cerling, and D. K. Solomon. 1988. Use of tritium and helium isotopes as hydrologic tracers in a shallow unconfined aquifer. J. Hydrol., 103, pp 1-9.

Solomon, D. K., R. C. Haese, T. V. Dinsmore, and A. D. Kelmers. 1988. Sampling and analysis of SWSA-6 trench leachates and groundwaters. ORNL/TM-10813.

Solomon, D. K., and T. E. Cerling. 1987. The annual carbon dioxide cycle in a montane soil: observations, modeling, and implications for weathering. Water Resour. Res. Vol. 23, No. 12, 2257-2265.

Dreier, R. B., D. K. Solomon, and C. M. Beaudoin. 1987. Fracture characterization in the unsaturated zone of a shallow land burial facility. Amer. Geophy. Union Monograph, eds D. D. Evans and T. J. Nicholson, 42, pp 51-59.

Waddell, K. M., R. L. Sieler, M. Santini, and D. K. Solomon. 1987. Groundwater conditions in Salt Lake Valley, Utah 1969-83, and predicted effects of increased withdrawals from wells. State of Utah, Dept. Nat. Res., Tech. Pub. #87, 69 pp.

Waddell, K. M., R. L. Sieler, and D. K. Solomon. 1987. Chemical quality of ground-water in Salt Lake Valley, Utah 1969-85. State of Utah, Dept. Nat. Res., Tech. Pub. #89, 56 pp.

Barton, C. E., D. K. Solomon, T. E. Cerling, and M. D. Sayer. 1987. Chloride budgets in transient lakes: Lakes Baringo, Naivasha, and Turkana, Kenya. J. Limnology and Oceanography, 32(3), pp 745-751.


Last Updated: 9/15/21