The Microprobe Lab has an extensive set of analytical standards, both from commercial
sources and developed in house.
The lab has three broad-application standard mounts fabricated by Astimex Scientific
Limited. Links provide details on the contents of each standard.
- 53 mineral and synthetics mount MINM25-53 pictured on the right.
- 44 metals MINM25-53
- 15 rare earth standard MINM25-53
Silicate standard
- MgO: synthetic
- TiO2: synthetic
- Fe2O3: synthetic
- Al2O3: synthetic (NIST sapphire)
- Scapolite: ON7
- Bytownite: Crystal Bay
- Albite: Tiburon
- Biotite - #1
- Biotite - #3
- Biotite - #7
- Muscovite: M
- Orthopyroxene: 25.25
- Benitoite
- Hornblende: Kakanui
- Quartz: Warm Springs Mtns, UT
- Orthoclase - OR-1
- Labradorite: Naine
- Andalusite: Brazil
- Ilmenite: Binns
- Olivine: Marjhalati
- Clinopyroxene: 69-27
- Clinopyroxene: 5118
- Rhodonite: synthetic
- Wollastonite
- Fluorphlogopite: synthetic
- Fayalite: synthetic
- Ferrosilite(95)rhodonite(5): synthetic
- Ferrosilite(90)rhodonite(10): synthetic
- Almandine: synthetic
- Grossular: Quebec
- Apatite: Wilberforce
- Fluorite: synthetic
- Rhodochrosite
- Calcite - B
Sulfide standard with 34 sulfide phases
LIL standard (synthetic in Li2B4O7 glass, Ga-Gd garnet, baddelyite)
- CeO2 (20.0%)
- Ta2O5 (33.3%)
- Nb2O5 (33.3%)
- Ta2O5 (14.32%); Nb2O5 (9.74%); Fe2O3 (11.02%)
- Y2O3 (20.0%); Er2O3 (5.00%)
- La2O3, Ce2O3, Y2O3, Nd2O3, Sm2O3, Eu2O3 (5.00% each)
- ThO2, UO2, HfO2 (5.00% each)
- Gd3Ga5O12(99.9%)
- ZrO2
NIST Au-Cu alloys (nominal 20% solid solution).
NIST Au-Ag alloys (nominal 20% solid solution).
MP-DING synthetic glasses
- KL2
- ML3B
- StHs6/80
- GOR 128
- GOR 132
- BM 90/21
- T1
Synthetic standards
- ZnO
- MgO
- ZnSe
- SrO-SiO2 glass (JF Schairer)
- BaO-SiO2 glass (JF Schairer)
- TiO2
- SiO2 (ultrapure 99.9999%; other elements < 10 ppb; Saint-Gobain Quartz USA)
- CaF2
- SrTiO3
- Al2O3
- YVO4
- SrBaNb4O10
The lab also has an extensive collection of standards with high quality analytical pedigrees (most analyzed by wet chemistry), including olivines, ortho and clinopyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, plagioclases, alkali feldspars, feldspathoids, and oxides.